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Top 10 things to do in Bruges

Updated: Feb 5, 2021

Beer, chocolate, waffles – three of the most beautiful words (and foodstuffs) in the world, in my opinion. That’s why a weekend getaway to Bruges sounded like a dream – and it was. I used to work at a travel company that got me discount on the Eurostar (£69 return for me and up to three friends... oh, how I miss that) and Belgium was on the list, so we thought why not? I'd heard about Bruges a little bit (well actually, most of my knowledge was gleaned from the film 'In Bruges') but once I did a bit of research on the place, it looked like my idea of heaven. So, we jumped on a train from London to Belgium, and then took another local train for about an hour into Bruges (it cost €15).

Here’s how we spent the next 48 hours soaking up all those magical medieval vibes (disclaimer: a lot of this involves food and drink – I’m not sorry).

Colourful buildings in the centre of Bruges

I kind of avoid these like the plague when I visit a new city, but after this walking tour I have no idea why! Bruges is steeped in history, legends and old tales and the best way of learning about it all is with a local guide, so I 100% recommend it – we saw so much. And it’s a beautiful city to wander around – the Gothic architecture is next level! Although, by the time we hopped on the canal tour, we actually already knew the majority of the information the guy was saying... it was still a pretty way of seeing the city though. Plus, the walking tour is free, and the boat tour is €8 – so it’s not like you’re spending a lot of money.

The city is absolutely littered with chocolate shops, workshops and cafes boasting the best hot chocolate – but believe me when I say this was the best hot chocolate I have ever had in my entire life! I chose a salted caramel hot chocolate and was presented with a deconstructed version where I had to whisk a pile of chocolates into my giant mug of warm milk. A moment on the lips, lifetime on the hips went STRAIGHT out the window, along with my willingness to care.

Floral tablecloth with a deconstructed large hot chocolate, with truffles

This is the main brewery in Bruges that exports the two beers, Brugse Zot and Straffe Hendrik, via a unique pipeline from the brewery to the bottling plant – we didn’t actually do the brewery tour even though we were recommended it, but we did chill out on their leather Chesterfields drinking their unfiltered liquid gold. I knew what I wanted, and it was a comfy seat next to a window with a burning log fire (and a beer). The dream. If you do want to do the tour, it’s only €9.

Waffle heaven from a food truck

Venture to Burg Square and you’ll find a little white food van – this guy serves up the tastiest waffles I’ve ever eaten (FYI this is the case for basically everything I tried in Bruges). If, like me, you couldn’t care less about dieting while you’re on holiday, go for the chocolate and strawberry one. If I could build some sort of pipe from Bruges to my house, where this guy could post me waffles on the daily, I would do it.

Nutella and strawberry topped waffle

This was probably the coolest bar we set foot in while we were there – first, there’s a huge glass wall full of different Belgian beers and glasses, and it goes all the way to the bar. I can’t remember exactly how many were in there, but I know it was over a thousand. Second, the bar serves 16 yummy beers on tap (and small beers are only €2.50). Third, the place is decorated in beer labels and signs. Fourth, there’s a FISH TANK SINK in the toilets… yep.

Taste beers & play cards at Rose Red

We only discovered this because it was the bar at our hotel, but we felt like we’d found a gem with this. It’s decorated super cute, with roses hanging from the ceiling and it’s quite small which adds to the atmosphere. It seemed like a proper local haunt, and the bar staff really knew the beer we’d like based on what we were saying. Plus, if you ask, they’ll give you a deck of playing cards while you’re there. We literally wiled away a good couple of hours tasting different beers and playing cards. A plank of five tasting beers was only €10!

La Trappe beer on a table with playing cards

Chocolaterie Jan De Clerck

Walking into this shop was literally like walking into heaven – if your idea of heaven is a billion different chocolates (it is for me). My friend’s boss recommended here because it seems to be the best value place to buy truffles – ¼ kilo only set me back €4, whereas I spent that on just 4 truffles at another place! To be honest, I could have bought about 5 kilos, but one had to restrain oneself.

Michelangelo in the Church of our Lady

You can see a real Michelangelo of the Madonna and Child here. Apparently it was made for a Pope (I can’t remember which one – could be to do with all the tasty beer), however he didn’t like the fact that Jesus was older than he should have been in the statue (or that’s what the dude doing the walking tour said, anyway), so it was sold to two wealthy brothers from Bruges and eventually ended up in the Church of our Lady. It’s the only Michelangelo I’ve seen so far, so that was pretty special for me. Plus, the Church of our Lady is an impressive building!

White michelangelo statue in church


This place is seriously cool. It was built to house only women, and still does – it was like its own little community back in the day, with men not even able to set foot in it. Today, men can set foot there, but only women can live there. A group of nuns run the church inside, and if you visit you’ll notice how much more peaceful and tranquil it is compared to the hustle and bustle on the other side of the walls.

Another great drinking spot, this place is underground which makes it feel really cosy and it gives off a serious medieval feel. They serve 17 beers on tap, including a beer brewed by monks. I could have sat here for a good couple of hours because it had a great ambience, and it’s not often you get to drink underground. But, places to see, things to do and all that!

So, there you have it – my top 10 things to do in Bruges. This UNESCO-listed beauty has hopped right up on my list of favourite places – and for any chocolate/beer lover, this city is ideal.



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