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An ode to 2020

Updated: Feb 7, 2021

An unexpected, turbulent and utterly crazy year,

That's actually been much more than this underlying fear.

It's gone so fast but felt so slow,

And the silver lining is we've had all these opportunities to grow,

Within ourselves and in our skin,

We're feeling the beauty from within.

Even now we can't fit into our jeans,

Because we're baking like Mary Berry Queens...

That kind of stuff feels less important now,

It's the dawn of a new era, somehow.

It's not about how great you're doing at work,

It's basically been about keeping ourselves occupied so we don't go berserk.

But we've learned more about who we are and actually had time to read books,

Instead of obsessing over every detail about how we look,

We're just sitting, hoping, praying for life to begin,

But in the meantime it's about accepting yourself and feeding your happiness from within.

It's not caring about who likes you or chasing people who don't deserve you,

Because this year has helped us realise the people who really matter,

And we appreciate human connection more than ever

Because that's what's gotten us through this stormy weather.

It's not about what you've got but who,

Whether its a voice over the phone or your friend with a brew,

An activist by your side, marching for a basic human right,

Or people across the world who are fighting the good fight.

Barriers have been broken down in order to rebuild,

And it's because of those people who've continued to be strong-willed,

Against those who show no love or compassion,

Or respect for other humans (I'm looking at you, you orange assassin!).

There's even more of us standing up for Mother Nature now,

David Attenborough's finally got our attention with his all-important vow,

To wake us up to the state of the earth before its too late,

We've actually realised we don't want this terrifying fate

To befall our beloved Planet in as little as 20 years,

The thought of it brings so many of us to tears.

If this year has taught us anything,

It's that we're a tough bunch that can keep on fighting,

For a better world because that's what we're doing as I'm writing

We might not realise it but beyond this awful virus and our losses,

We're becoming more grateful about life and becoming our very own bosses,

Of our happiness and contentment,

In the smallest of things... the sentiment

Of a 'hello' text or a weekly Facetime,

A call to a care home to help fight isolation,

People coming together across this little nation.

Positive stories that are like diamonds in the rubble,

But let's promise after this, to never again say the word 'bubble'.

And when a new day dawns where we can say goodbye to all this,

Never take moments for granted, whether it's an everyday thing or a first kiss.

When we look past the heartbreak, the loneliness and the intense Netflix binges,

We begin to notice mended relationships and communities coming together like hinges

Of a door we want to remain open forever,

People are becoming friendlier, softer and untethered

From their screens and their feeds,

Making way for connections,

They're the things I hope we hold on to once we start again in new directions,

It'll be known as the 'Great Reset' to help rebuild the economy,

But let's remember who we've become, and who we want to be,

And move forward together,

Because that's what our lost loved ones would want for us,

To become stronger than ever,

And take away what we've learned in order to make our future better.


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